Openoffice writer table of contents hyperlink
Openoffice writer table of contents hyperlink

openoffice writer table of contents hyperlink

You can also generate an external link which will lead to a particular cell or a range of cells by clicking the Get Link button or using the Get link to this range option in the contextual right-click menu of the required cell range.

openoffice writer table of contents hyperlink

Use the Internal Data Range option, select a worksheet and a cell range in the fields below, or a previously added Named range if you need to add a hyperlink leading to a certain cell range in the same spreadsheet. In the web editor you can only add the link without being able to open it. The file://path/Spreadsheet.xlsx or file:///path/Spreadsheet.xlsx hyperlink type can be opened only in the desktop version of the editor. If you need to add a hyperlink to a local file, enter the URL in the file://path/Spreadsheet.xlsx (for Windows) or file:///path/Spreadsheet.xlsx (for MacOS and Linux) format in the Link to field.

openoffice writer table of contents hyperlink

Use the External Link option and enter enter a URL in the format in the Link to field below if you need to add a hyperlink leading to an external website. the Hyperlink Settings window will appear, and you will be able to specify the hyperlink settings:.

Openoffice writer table of contents hyperlink